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About Yaad

Yaad is an innovative web application designed to preserve and revisit the cherished memories of individuals, particularly those with degenerative cognitive conditions like Alzheimer's and dementia.

Our app allows users to record, transcribe, and store their memories securely while using AI to retrieve specific experiences based on prompts. With this unique blend of technology and empathy, Yaad aims to foster moments of connection, comfort, and joy through personalized memory recall.

Technologies We Use

  • Next.js: Our app is built using Next.js, a powerful React-based framework that enhances performance and enables seamless server-side rendering.
  • Clerk for Authentication: We use Clerk to manage user authentication securely, supporting features like passwordless login and multi-factor authentication.
  • Pinecone for Database and Vector Embeddings: At the core of our memory retrieval system is Pinecone, a high-performance vector database solution. Pinecone allows us to store vector embeddings of recorded memories, enabling our AI to quickly and accurately retrieve related memories based on specific prompts. This advanced search capability makes it easier to find and relive memories that may have faded over time..
  • Tailwind CSS: We've designed the Yaad interface with Tailwind CSS, ensuring a visually appealing and accessible user experience.

Our Mission

At Yaad, we're committed to helping individuals and their loved ones maintain connections to their most precious memories. By leveraging cutting-edge technology with a compassionate approach, we strive to improve the quality of life for those affected by memory loss and cognitive decline.